Register Trademark of Foreign Company In UAE

register trademark of foreign company in UAE

Register Trademark of Foreign Company

Registering a trademark owned by a foreign company is possible in U.A.E. to protect them and obtain their respective rights. You just need to submit a power of attorney (P.O.A) duly legalized up to the U.A.E. Consulate from the country of the owner of the trademark as this is one of the requirements when applying for a trademark registration in the U.A.E. if owned by a foreign company.

Even if you’re from other countries, we Al Raqeem Trademark Registration in U.A.E. is able to help you. We are accepting and providing services in Registering your trademark in every country / internationally.

In which other countries do we provide Trademark Registration services?

We provide IP services around the world.

MIDDLE EAST OCEANIA  AFRICA Member Countries of African Union (O.A.P.I.) Member Countries of European Union EUROPE
United Arab Emirates Australia African Union – O.A.P.I. Benin Austria European Union
Algeria New Zealand Angola Burkina Faso Belgium Albania
Bahrain SOUTH AMERICA Botswana Cameroon Bulgaria Andorra
Egypt Argentina Burundi Central African Republic Cyprus Belarus
Jordan Bolivia Cape Verde Chad Czech Republic Benelux
Lebanon Brazil D.R. Congo Congo Republic Denmark Bosnia
Morocco Chile Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Estonia Gibraltar
Oman Colombia Ethiopia Gabon Finland Kosovo
Palestine (Gaza) Ecuador Ghana Guinea France Macedonia
Palestine (West Bank) Guyana Kenya Guinea Bissau Hungary Moldova
Qatar Paraguay Liberia Ivory Coast Germany Monaco
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Peru Madagascar Mali Greece Montenegro
Tunisia Uruguay Mauritius Mauritania Ireland Norway
Turkey Venezuela Mozambique Niger Italy Russian Federation
Namibia Senegal Romania Switzerland
Nigeria Togo Latvia Ukraine
Rwanda Lithuania United Kingdom
Seychelles Luxembourg
Sierra Leone Malta
South Africa Netherlands
St. Tome & Principe Poland
Tanzania Portugal
Uganda Slovakia
Zambia Slovenia
Zimbabwe Spain
United Kingdom

Trademark Registration in the U.A.E of a foreign company is also one of the most important tasks a company should consider in order to make its name in the market. It makes the company gain its distinctive reputation in U.A.E.

Also Read: How to make Trademark Registered for Your Brand in UAE?

Also Read: Know more about Trademark Benefits and Usages

Benefits in Registering a Trademark of Foreign Company in the U.A.E.

  • When foreign companies registered their trademark in U.A.E. it will be covered and protected by seven (7) emirates.
  • It helps you to trade, expand, and identify the value of your business or your company.
  • You have the privileged to pursue or file an appeal when someone uses or copying your trademark or brand name for their company or business purposes.

If in case you also want to have your trademark registered in other countries, please let us know in which you want to protect your IP rights and we’ll provide you with our most competitive quote.

Contact us for a free consultation. Let us know the countries