Trademark Classes Summary, Description and Mainly Used

Trademark Classes Summary, Description and Mainly Used

Trademark Classes Summary

Overview of the Trademark classes and detailed description of mainly used classes.

In Trademark Registration there is a 45 Nice classification that identifies the nature of Goods and services. It is used by the majority of countries around the world. It distinguishes between goods (1-34) and services (3-45). Different goods and services are groups into different classes therefore, depending on goods or services you applied for, it should be registered in one or more classes. With trademark class, it is become easy to identify a similar trademark. It is important to use the correct classification on your product or services to help you recognize the potential trademark infringer.

There are 45 International classes, and each class represents a distinct set of goods and services. The nice classification assigns products to Classes 1 through 34 and Classes 35 through 45. Each class has a class heading that provides general information about the type of goods or services covered. Choosing the appropriate class for your trademark is critical because you will not get protection if you choose the wrong class. A trademark owner should determine which class definition fits its overall product or service most closely.

One of the mainly used classes of the applicants for their trademarks are below:

Class 3 includes mainly cleaning preparations; sanitary preparations; toilet preparations; cosmetics; essential oils.

Class 4 includes industrial oils greases and lubricants; fuels

Class 5 is for products that relate to pharmaceuticals and other items and preparations for either veterinary or medical purposes. Also includes Sanitary preparations for personal hygiene other than toiletries

Class 7 machine tools; engines and motors

Class 9 This class includes in particular; apparatus and instruments used for scientific research; instruments used for measurements and transmitting; electrical apparatus and instruments..

Class 12 vehicles for land; air & water

Class 25 includes clothing; footwear and headgear.

Class 28 pertains to games and playthings and also protects the brands of businesses that create and sell a wide variety of sporting goods, from arcade machines to baseball gloves and also equipment used for indoor sports as well.

Class 32 protects the products that are non-alcoholic beverages

Class 34 is mainly used for tobaccos, matches, and smokers’ articles

Class 35 protects services relating to advertising and business. This includes marketing services, ad design, ad publishing, ad distribution, and pretty much any service intended to promote a product or business. It also covers companies that process data, audit accounts, and directly handle information for payment.

Class 30 includes mainly foodstuffs prepared for consumption; condiments coffee; rice

Class 41 Education; entertainments; sports and cultural activities

Class 43 protects services provided by persons or establishments that prepare food and drink for consumption and services provided to obtain bed and board in hotels, boarding houses, or other establishments providing temporary accommodation.

Class 44 protects mainly medical care, hygienic, and beauty care given by persons or establishments to both human beings and animals.

Also Read: Register Trademark of Foreign Company In UAE

11 edition of nice classification is to identify the goods and services for the registration of trademarks.

In a trademark, there are two types of the category:

  • Good / Products –  touchable to the consumer
  • Services –  untouchable but the effect are felt

The good / Products category has 34 classes (class 1 to 34) while in the services 11 classes (class 35 to 45).

Related: Intellectual Property Services

Some of the Businesses that use class is the following:

Class 36: Insurance; finance; monetary affairs; real estate.

Class 5: Pharmaceuticals, medical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides

Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental, and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Artificial limbs, eyes, and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; disabled-adapted therapeutic and assistive devices; massage apparatus; infant nursing appliances, devices, and articles; sexual activity apparatus, devices, and articles.

Class 19: Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch, and bitumen; not of metal.

Class and classification

The U.S. organizes items (“goods”), and services. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) by a particular category or “class.” When you choose to use a trademark to cover more than one product or service, and such products or services fall into more than one class (e.g., automobiles and clothing), additional fees are charged for each additional class. Numbers USPTO

List of Trademark Classes

001 – Chemicals

002 – Paints

003 – Cleaning Substances

004 – Industrial Oils

005 – Pharmaceuticals

006 – Common Metals

007 – Machines

008 – Hand Tools

009 – Computers and Scientific Devices

010 – Medical Supplies

011 – Appliances

012 – Vehicles

013 – Firearms

014 – Precious Metals

015 – Musical Instruments

016 – Paper Goods

017 – Rubber Products

018 – Leather Goods

019 – Building Materials

020 – Furniture

021 – Household Utensils

022 – Ropes and Textile Products

023 – Yarns and Threads

024 – Textiles

025 – Clothing

026 – Lace and Embroidery

027 – Carpets

028 – Games and Sporting Goods

029 – Meat, Fish, Poultry

030 – Coffee, Flour, Rice

031 – Grains, Agriculture

032 – Beers and Beverages

033 – Alcoholic Beverages

034 – Tobacco Products

035 – Advertising and Business Services

036 – Insurance and Finance Services

037 – Construction and Repair Services

038 – Telecommunications Services

039 – Shipping and Travel Services

040 – Material Treatment Services

041 – Education and Entertainment Services

042 – Science and Technology Services

043 – Food Services

044 – Medical and Vet Services

045 – Legal and Security Services

Top used classes in Trademark Registration in the market today.

  • Class 9 – Electrical and Scientific Apparatuses
  • Class 25 – Clothing
  • Class 35 – Advertising and Business Services
  • Class 41 – Education and Entertainment
  • Class 42 – Science and Technological Services

Why Trademark Classes Are Important?

Trademark classification serves two functions: it provides a guideline for trademark registration and can help you identify potential trademark infringers.

The USPTO won’t register a trademark that is confusingly similar to a mark that has already been registered. To be confusingly similar, the marks must be similar. They must also apply to related goods or services so that a consumer might be confused about the source. “Dove” ice cream bars and “Dove” soap can both be registered trademarks because the products are so unrelated that it’s unlikely anyone would think they came from the same source.

Do you want to know which class your brand is in? Whatsapp our IP agent to assist you further.